Our Favorite Halloween Ideas
Halloween is one of our favorite times of year, especially in the classroom. With all the spooky excitement in the air, we like to capitalize on students’ positive energy and bring Halloween into our learning and fun! We’ve put together some of our favorite Halloween activities and ideas!
Ghost Window Clings
The beauty of this project is most teachers or parents you probably already have the materials you need to make this adorable craft!
Materials Needed
Popsicle sticks
Rubber bands
Candy pumpkins
Coloring Pages
Seven original coloring pages drawn by Emmy's husband Rob, who is a lead designer for Disney! These are perfect for your Halloween party, substitute plans, centers, morning tasks, etc.
sometimes you just need a good old fashioned coloring break!
Halloween Inspired Read-a-Louds!
The Stranger
by: Chris VanAllsburg
Emmy’s intermediate pick.
Farmer Brown encounters a stranger in need of help and brings him back to his farm. The stranger is kind and helpful, but soon, odd things begin to happen. Farmer Brown notices that trees on neighboring farms are changing colors, while his remain green. It seems that his farm is stuck in an endless summer.
This book is perfect for teaching skills in inferencing and drawing conclusions, with stunning, engaging illustrations that bring the story to life
Creepy Carrots
by: Aaron Reynolds
Haley’s Primary Pick
Jasper Rabbit loves nothing more than chomping on a fresh carrot from Crackenhopper field…that is until they start following him. Suddenly, creepy carrots are
showing up everywhere and no one seems to believe Jasper. Is it all in his mind? Or are the carrots out to get him.
This book is hilarious, and the first time I read it in a Children's Literature class in college I literally laughed out loud on the last page. It is an especially great story for having students infer and discuss character emotions.
Halloween Agamographs
Agamographs combine two pictures into one, creating an optical illusion where the image changes depending on the angle. This spooky art activity includes a picture of an adorable smiling bat, and two cute ghosts!
This Halloween 3D Agamograph Activity gives your students the perfect opportunity to unwind with some coloring while challenging their minds to carefully assemble each piece. It’s a fun, creative break that will keep them engaged—and hopefully give you a moment of peace on one of the longest days of the school year!
Agamographs are a really fun artistic challenge!
We’ve got a pumpkin one too!
Happy Halloween!