Life Update
Happy (almost) summer for some of us!
Emily is already on summer break in Georgia, but in Michigan, we are in school until Wednesday.
We know everyone is done in and ready for the summer, so we are just popping in to give a quick life update. Big things are happening for us this summer!
After seven years at my school and six years in second grade, I have decided to make a move! I am excited to announce that I will be teaching 1-6 as a Project Lead the Way teacher. For those not familiar with PLTW, it is a STEM curriculum. I have been placed at a different school. This school has two programs housed in it. One is our district’s gifted and talented program, the other is our cognitively impaired program. This will be a great new challenge and an amazing adventure.
Leaving second grade is bittersweet. I absolutely love the age and curriculum, especially phonics education. However, I can’t wait to be able to work with a larger population of students and create a lasting love for technology and engineering for all kids.
If you have any experience with PLTW, STEM, or being a specials teacher in general and you have any tips and tricks, please reach out! I am definitely out of my element here!
My students and I signed my classroom wall. I have been in the same room for 7 years. We are getting a new bulletin board that will cover our names, so we thought this would be a nice way to add our mark to our room.
After 16 years of teaching 3rd, 4th, & 5th grade Emmy’s also gearing up for a big change!
If you’ve used any of our products, you’ve probably seen our custom clipart created by her husband Rob. He is a super talented artist that has been recently been offered a design job with his dream company, Disney!
So, Emmy’s family is gearing up to relocate to Florida. It’s a bittersweet move as she really loves Georgia, but she’s hopeful that it will be a positive change for her family.
Emmy’s not sure where she’s going to land professionally yet. Stay tuned for more info as she decides if she’s ready for a life outside of the classroom.
We had to do a quick Magic Kingdom visit while house hunting in Orlando!