Homework Lottery
If you’re like me, you’re probably worn out from the endless homework chase. Reminding, tracking, and practically begging students to turn in their assignments—it’s exhausting! After years of testing out ideas from co-workers, Google, and Pinterest, I’ve finally found a solution that’s both fun and effective: The Homework Lottery.
What is the Homework Lottery?
The Homework Lottery is a super simple system that transforms turning in homework into an exciting game for students, sparking enthusiasm rather than resistance. And the best part? You can do it without spending any money! By setting up a system that rewards students’ effort and consistency, the Homework Lottery makes a fun and interactive addition to any classroom.
Here’s How It Works
Create the Grid: Start with a large piece of chart paper, or use your whiteboard, and create a grid with 110 squares (a 10 x 11 grid works great!). Each square represents a space where students can “sign in” when they turn in their homework on time.
Earn Signatures: Every time a student completes their homework (or even turns in a permission slip on time!), they get to write their name in one of the grid squares. The more often they turn in assignments, the more spaces they’ll fill, and the better their chances of winning!
Draw the Winners: Once the grid is filled with names, it’s time for the big reveal! Write each grid space’s name on a small slip of paper (A1, A2, etc.), fold them up, and toss them in a jar. For added excitement, I like to draw around five winners each time, but you can adjust this based on your class size.
Free Reward Ideas
One of the best parts of the Homework Lottery is that it doesn’t require any extra spending. Here are some of my favorite free rewards to add a little extra incentive:
I ordered these adorable mini trophies from Amazon for my winners.
You get 40 for $19.99. Click the image to be taken directly to the link.
No homework coupon: Who doesn’t love a free pass?
Extra recess time: A great motivator that also gives them a little more freedom.
Free time on the computer: Always a hit with students.
Choose your seat: Let them pick where they sit for the day!
Teacher’s chair for the day: A small “privilege” that feels big.
Choose the class brain break: They get to pick the next brain break activity.
Bring a stuffed animal to school: A cozy treat that makes the day extra fun.
Lunch in the classroom: I usually bring in a sweet treat or mini can of soda for each kid.
A System that Levels the Playing Field
One of the things I love most about the Homework Lottery is that every student has a chance to win. Not every child has the same level of support at home, and sometimes completing assignments consistently can be a challenge. With the Homework Lottery, even students who can’t always turn in every assignment are still eligible to win, which can make all the difference in helping them feel included and motivated.
How cute are these coupons? Click the teal button to download them for free!
Ready to Get Started?
Setting up the Homework Lottery is easy and impactful! Grab a piece of chart paper, draw your grid, and let the fun begin. Each time your students turn in their homework, they’ll be excited to see their name fill the grid. Not only does it ease the homework struggle, but it also builds a sense of accomplishment and teamwork in the classroom.
Ready to give it a try? Click below to download two templates that will help you start your own Homework Lottery today!
Happy Homeworking.