Back to School All About Me Bulletin Board
Starting a new school year is so exciting, but let’s face it, it’s also extremely stressful! Especially those first few mornings, where you just don’t have your routine set in place yet.
Over the summer, I set out to come up with a solution to this problem. Enter the all about me hexagon bulletin board. I think of it as a triple threat…it will keep your students engaged, give them the opportunity to share a little bit about themselves, and prep your bulletin board for back to school night!
Each morning, when my fifth graders came in, they had an “all about me hexagon” waiting on their table. While I continued greeting students, accepting supplies, organizing supplies, checking transportation notes, etc. my kiddos were busy telling me about themselves.
I encouraged them to color their hexagons FULLY as this will make our final product into an eye catching bulletin board.
Monday through Thursday I gave my fifth graders one page each morning to complete. On Friday, we were ready to cut and glue!
Once all of your hexagons are glued together, simply piece them together to create a beautiful display that truly showcases your individual students!
Have a fabulous school year!