Novel Timeline Display
Are you tired of the same old book reports and projects? Want to add a touch of creativity to your latest novel study? We've got just the thing for you! Our free printable template allows you to create an adorable timeline display showcasing the main events of your book. Help unleash your student’s imagination as they review the main events of their book. This low-prep project is perfect for bulletin boards, hallway displays, or final projects. Let's dive in and create something truly unique!,
Identify Key Moments
To create a standout timeline display, it's important to identify key moments in your book. These may include pivotal plot points or character developments that drive the story forward. I have my students write down important events as we read the story. Once we’ve finished the book, they go through their events and compare with others in their group. From there, I have them narrow their events down to at least 9. Once they’ve identified their most important moments, they can begin summarizing the events that occur within them. This will help your students to sequence the timeline chronologically and showcase the most important parts of the story.
Summarize the Main Events
Encourage your students to focus on the most important details and avoid unnecessary fluff. Consider the actions that occur within each key moment and how they lead to the next moment in the sequence. Brief and to-the-point explanations are perfect for this activity.
Once you have your event summaries, you can begin sequencing them chronologically to create a coherent timeline for your display.
These timelines make a fabulous hallway display.
Sequencing Chronologically
Sequencing your events will help you create a clear and logical timeline display. It will allow your audience to follow the story's timeline with ease, even if they are not familiar with the events. By presenting events in the order in which they occur, you can create a seamless and visually striking display that tells the story of your novel.
Get Creative
Once your students have established a clear and chronological timeline for your novel, it's time for the fun part - designing your display. This is your chance to let your imagination run wild and create a piece that truly captures the essence of your story.
Consider incorporating visual elements that represent key events in your novel, such as photos, illustrations, or objects that relate to specific scenes. You could also add quotes or excerpts from the book that highlight important themes or moments.
There are 4 different timelines included in this download. Pick the one that works best for your students!
With our free printable template, anyone can create an amazing project that will impress viewers. Download the template today and start your own unique masterpiece. As American author Neil Gaiman once said, "Books are a uniquely portable magic," and now you can bring that magic to your hallway or classroom. Happy creating!