Easter Egg Camouflage Activity.

Looking for a fun and easy Easter activity for your classroom? I have you covered with the easiest and most engaging activity available. Try out Easter Egg camouflage!

This activity takes virtually no prep, and can be tied to any animal studies unit. My class is gearing up for a research unit we call the Talking Zoo, and one of my students is researching chameleons, so we talked about chameleons before beginning this activity.

The objective is simple. Each student gets one blank egg template. Their job is to hide it in plain sight by camouflaging it within our classroom.

The students were so into it! Once they were all finished, I found as many as I could. We also invited other teachers and our principal in to search for eggs. The students were so proud!

If you are interested in doing this activity, I am linking my egg template below!

If you try this in your room, please let us know and send us photos!

We love hearing from you! You can email us at handemresources@gmail.com, or DM/tag us on Instagram or Tik Tok!

Hop to it!

-H & Em


Freebie Co-Op (Grades 2-4)


Novel Timeline Display